Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Bollywood film 'Ghajini' rakes moolah, Thanks to PR !

Hi...I am pretty sure you all have heard of Bollywood , if not do follow this link and get a hang of it ![http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bollywood] My friend Arcopol has done a story on how PR helped Ghajini, an Aamir Khan starrer movie, to rake in all the moolah since its inception. At the moment I dont need say more but yeah read the article on http://www.dnaindia.com/report.asp?newsid=1217518.

P.S: Aamir Khan is a actor who comes up with one movie per year, one of the costliest bollywood actor and refused to accept any Filmfare award [ excellence award of Bollywood] since last 15 years. His film Lagaan was nominated in best foreign film category at the Oscars.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Advertising is in the museum!!!

Few days ago in my post I had mentioned about Al and Laura Ries's book Fall of Advertising and Rise of PR, I was lucky enough to get my hands on this book. This book has gripping facts about how the function of advertising is dead and PR is on rise. While reading the 11 pager introduction I felt that this is a must have for all the PR practioners [and the budding ones too!!]. If you want to win that debate of whose the best among advertising and PR then this is your bible. Advertising is compared with a painting which is dead today. As in the function of painting is dead. Now a days we dont paint pictures but we take pictures with a camera. In the same way advertising's function of "representing reality" is loosing its charm. Advertising is not communication but a form of art. And hence it can not be objectively measured. If it serves a functional purpose then it has value. The famous quote,"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" hold true when you see advertising today. Its so much of creatives that some times you dont notice what its communicating. The human brain is mechanised in a way that one notices all the attractive things first. Words follow later. Walk into any lawyer's office - you wont see the winning cases on the wall. But in the ad agency you feel like you are in the art house. Nothing against them but do they tell us that the client had an increase in sales by at least 10% ?

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Hi....Wish u a very very Merry Christmas....Cheers!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

What do you think?

After a lazy weekend I am ready to hit the blog. I want to hear from you about your experiences ...have you come across any 1 who said PR is the looser and advtg is the best..or has some one put u down just because you belong to the PR industry...Let us share them..For instance my ex client, was ignorant about what PR was and is...we had a tough time explaining him that PR will eventually give him more coverage. And finally we got him on board.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We are 2 diffrent canvas

I vividly remeber my first PR class [during my grads.] The first question we were thrown was - What is the diffrence between Advertising and PR? Most common reply is - Advtg is paid form of comunication and PR is not. Practicing PR taught me the diffrence in detail. Advtg. is "self directed" and PR is "others directed".Al and Laura Reis in their book Fall of Advertising and Ries of PR have mentioned "You cant launch new brands with advtg. as it does not have credibility but you can launch new brands with PR as it allows to give out the message through third party outlets such as the media. " Visuals are backbone of advertising copy and we believe word of mouth is the strength of any public relation activity. PR can give media coverage double and triple the worth of advertising cost. PR outcomes are based on the relationships they share with the media [reporters,journalists,editors etc.].

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Public Relation Vs Advertising

After doing a self brainstorming session with my grey cells , I have decided to zero on the subject of my blog - Public Relation Vs Advertising. The topic sounds simple but creates ripples when you ACTULLY think of it. To graduate in advertising and to work in the PR industry for a year made me always think why the practioners of media confuse advertising and PR. Marketing guru Philip Kotler says,"Advertising is overdone and PR is underdone." There is not only a hair line gap but a huge gap to diffrentiate both of them.
In the due course of time I will try and post some intresting reads on this topic. Keep reading!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

what is it ????

I am still having a battle in my mind - What should be the theme of my blog ????